Have you ever stopped to really think about the streets of gold in heaven? Not just as a nice mental picture, but what it actually reveals about God’s heart and His abundance? Recently, I was talking with Linda about this, and it hit me in a fresh way that completely transformed how I view God’s […]
The Blog
Is Paying Off Your Mortgage Early Possible? Here’s How We Did It In 3 Years
How We Paid Off Our Mortgage in 3 Years: 5 Unconventional Steps We Took I know it feels nearly impossible to even buy a house these days, let alone dream about paying it off early. But even if you barely scraped together enough for that down payment, I don’t want you to fall for the […]
37x your finances in minutes per day
Here’s something that could make a massive difference in your finances in just a few minutes per day: Best-selling author and habit-building expert James Clear found that improving by just 1% each day makes you 37 times better over a year. In financial terms, even doubling your AUM (or net worth) would be just a 2x improvement. So 37x? […]
Does God care about your finances?
I got this question from a reader the other day that I have gotten enough times that I thought it was worth addressing. The question, “Does God care about my finances?” often comes from a place of deep pain and struggle. When the bills are piling up, health challenges strike, and it feels like you’re […]
Gold vs Inflation: How gold protects your money (and why I am buying more)
How Gold Protects Your Money’s Value (While the Dollar Doesn’t) I have invested/owned gold for probably about 10 years at this point. Probably 5% of our investments have been in gold, but if I am honest, I only really did it because it was what I understood to be part of a “balanced” portfolio. It […]
Satan’s 10-step plan for your finances
C.S. Lewis’ ‘Screwtape Letters’ is one of my favorite books. And if you don’t know the premise, it is essentially one demon coaching another on how to be most effective in their work. With that in mind, I decided to ask ChatGPT (the world’s leading AI) to roleplay as Satan and how it would go […]
The power of prayer: 10 Prayer Warriors Who Prayed for Hours Each Day
Have you ever wondered what set apart some of the greatest spiritual leaders in history—those who shook the world with their faith and brought about massive revivals? As I’ve studied their lives, I keep coming back to one undeniable truth: these people were devoted to prayer. Not just a quick prayer before meals or a […]
Trusting God in Uncertainty: Lessons from Abraham’s Faith Journey
In a world that craves certainty, we can forget that our God is a God of mystery and wonder. We often cling to the illusion of control, thinking that if we can just plan enough, work hard enough, or gather enough information, we can ensure a certain outcome. But the truth is, God doesn’t always […]